教程发布:风哥 教程分类:Oracle容灾复制 更新日期:2019-03-05 浏览学习:4951
一、 Prepare Primary RAC database for STANDBY configuration
Enable Force Logging.
Modify init Parameters.
Enable Archivelog Mode.
Create the SLRs (Standby Redo Logs).
Backup the Database for Standby
Create pfile for standby database.
Update the tnsnames.ora
生产环境Win+Oracle11g+DataGuard容灾实施_Oracle容灾实施与数据复制03 (真正超越OCP/OCM的项目实战系列教程) |
本套风哥Oracle教程学习内容 |
1.Oracle DataGuard项目调研与规则 2.Oracle DataGuard环境准备 3.Oracle Dataguard配置 3.1.主库Dataguard配置 3.2.备库Dataguard配置 3.3.创建dataguard过程 4.Oracle Dataguard日常检查与操作 4.1.日常检查与同步测试 4.2.dataguard数据库启停过程 5.Oracle Dataguard主备切换 5.1.Oracle Dataguard主备切换 5.2.Oracle Dataguard主备回切 |
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二、 Prepare Standby Site for Dataguard Configuration
Copy the RMAN backup and pfile_for_standby.txt.
Copy the password file.
Create required directories for Standby Instance.
Modify the pfile.
Copy the tnsnames.ora from Primary and add the TNS Alias for the standby database instances.
Create the ASM directories under the DATA and FRA diskgroup.
三、 Create the Physical Standby Database
Start the Instance in NOMOUNT using the pfile_for_standby.txt.
Restore the Standby Database using RMAN DUPLICATE command.
Create the Online Redo logs and Standby redo logs.
Modify the TNSNAMES.ORA of Standby to add the Standby Database’s TNS alias.
Modify the TNSNAMES.ORA of Primary to add the Standby Database’s TNS alias.
Start the Managed Recovery Process
Create the spfile and start the database on both the nodes using spfile.
Register the New Standby database to the OCR.
Start the Active Dataguard.