IBM AIX无法连接,报错sendto: There is not enough buffer space for the request

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:656

IBM AIX经常无法远程连接,通过HMC进入后,发现以下报错: sendto: There is not enough buffer space for the requested socket operation, 经查询,这是IBM AIX的一个BUG,建议升级操作系统到AIX5300-12或AIX6.1。 参考资料: IZ05646: NOT ENOUGH BUFFER SPACE ERRORS APPLIES TO AIX 5300-07A fix is availableObtain the fix for this APAR.

APAR status[list]
[*]Closed as program error.

Error description[list]
[*]ping and traceroute generate errors similar to:sendto: There is not enough buffer space for the requestedsocket operation.

Local fix[list]

Problem summary[list]
[*]ping and traceroute generate errors similar to:sendto: There is not enough buffer space for the requestedsocket operation.

Problem conclusion[list]
[*]Use the correct pointer to locate the appropriate heapwhen retreiving the xmem descriptor.

Temporary fix[list]

[*]5300-07 - use AIX APAR IZ056465300-08 - use AIX APAR IZ06227

APAR Information[list]
[*]APAR numberIZ05646
[*]Reported component nameAIX 5.3
[*]Reported component ID5765G0300
[*]Reported release530
[*]Submitted date2007-09-29
[*]Closed date2007-09-29
[*]Last modified date2008-09-20

[*]APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

[*]APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:IZ06227

[*]Fixed component nameAIX 5.3
[*]Fixed component ID5765G0300
Applicable component levels[list]
[*]R530 PSY U814717 UP07/11/12 I 1000

IZ14067: NETWORK MEMORY LEAK IN SOGETOPT APPLIES TO AIX 6100-02A fix is availableObtain the fix for this APAR.

APAR status[list]
[*]Closed as program error.

Error description[list]
[*]network memory leak in memory slowly increases until reboot is required.After reboot, problem seems to take a few weeks tore-surface.thewall (network memory) will eventually be consumed.

Local fix[list]

Problem summary[list]
[*]Network memory leak when SO_PEERID sogetopt is used. Thememory usage slowly increases over time until a reboot isrequired.

Problem conclusion[list]
[*]Fixed the memory leak.

Temporary fix[list]

[*]5300-07 - use AIX APAR IZ067555300-08 - use AIX APAR IZ138535300-09 - use AIX APAR IZ139546100-00 - use AIX APAR IZ235446100-01 - use AIX APAR IZ138716100-02 - use AIX APAR IZ14067

APAR Information[list]
[*]APAR numberIZ14067
[*]Reported component nameAIX 610
[*]Reported component ID5765G6200
[*]Reported release610
[*]Submitted date2008-01-25
[*]Closed date2008-01-25
[*]Last modified date2008-11-17

[*]APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:IZ06755
[*]APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

[*]Fixed component nameAIX 610
[*]Fixed component ID5765G6200
Applicable component levels[list]
[*]R610 PSY U814094 UP08/11/14 I 1000
PTF to Fileset Mapping[list]
[*]U814094 bos.mp64
