Windows2008 R2 X64上安装Oracle 10g RAC CRS重启后出现蓝屏

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:1370

Windows2008 R2 X64上安装Oracle 10g RAC CRS重启后出现蓝屏

windows2008R2 x64+Oracle10gRAC ,以安装CRS过程中,如果直接运行setup.exe进行安装,会出现以下两个问题,导致整个过程失败


Installing Oracle 10g Clusterware on Windows 2008 64-Bit gives an error during the prerequisite checks that the Ocfs and Orafence Driver's signatures are expired on Windows 2008.

The preferred solution for avoiding this problem is to follow these steps:

Step #1. Download Patch 7320726 and unzip the updated drivers to a staging folder somewhere. For this example, we will use D:\driver_stage as the location where the drivers will be staged. Once extracted, the full path to the drivers will be:C:\7320726This directory should contain the following files:
01/16/2009 06:41 PM 579,112 ocfs.sys
01/16/2009 06:41 PM 16,424 orafencedrv.sys
01/16/2009 07:10 PM 1,026 Readme.txt

Step#2. Rename the driver files so that the installer will recognize them. Rename the files to:orafencedrv.sys.w2k8
C:\7320726> rename ocfs.sys ocfs.sys.w2k864
C:\7320726> rename orafencedrv.sys orafencedrv.sys.w2k8
C:\7320726> dir

01/16/2009 06:41 PM 579,112 ocfs.sys.w2k864
01/16/2009 06:41 PM 16,424 orafencedrv.sys.w2k8
01/16/2009 07:10 PM 1,026 Readme.txt

Step#3. 将 ocfs.sys.w2k864、orafencedrv.sys.w2k8复制到\windows\windows32\drivers\ 重启两台主机

Step#4. Start the installer again using the following example, the exact syntax would be:setup.exe New_Driver_Loc="C:\7320726" oracle.has.cfs:s_newOcfspath="C:\7320726""TRUE""C:\7320726" -ignoreSysprereqs 进入CRS安装界面。
