RHEL5.8 Linux操作系统下载_红帽企业red hat enterprise linux server5.8下载

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:1303

RHEL5.8 Linux操作系统下载_红帽企业red hat enterprise linux server5.8下载,下载地址详细附件。
[color=darkslategray]红帽企业 Linux RHEL5.8 5.8 发布了 ,Red Hat 领导着Linux的开发、部署和经营,从嵌入式设备到安全网页服务器,它都是用开源软件作为Internet基础设施解决方案的领头羊。Red Hat由有远见的企业家Bob Young和Marc Ewing创建于1994年,它以源码开发作为营业模型的基础。软件的原始代码对所有人都可以获得,使用该软件的 开发人员可以自由地对其作改进。其结果是迅速的革新。73
红帽RHEL 5.8 支持新的硬件平台,以及以下改进内容:· 新的 iotop 支持监控进程级别的 I/O 资源使用情况,例如存储设备,用于解决一些潜在的性能问题 · 支持新的 PCI-e 3.0 适配卡 · 系统安装程序支持通过 Infiniband (IPoIB) 配置 IP 地址,安装 Infiniband 适配卡更加容易 · 支持电源管理 QoS,提供设备级别的自动电源管理策略,在关键的产品中,系统管理员可启用高性能低延迟的模式 72
关于RHEL5.8官方原文介绍如下:[color=darkslateblue][rhelv5-announce] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 Announcement
[color=darkslateblue]Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 supports new hardware platforms and includes the following enhancements: [color=darkslateblue]Hardware Support and Streamlined Installation[color=darkslateblue]---------------------------------------------[color=darkslateblue]* Support for Power Management Quality of Service (QoS) provides automatic power management policy at the device level for managing latency and throughput based on QoS needs. During critical production windows, system administrators can enforce a high-performance, low-latency mode. [color=darkslateblue]* New iotop support enables the monitoring of I/O resources, such as storage devices, at the process level, providing insight into potential performance issues.
* PCI-e 3.0 enablement provides support for new and emerging PCI-e 3.0 adapters. * Network, storage, and graphic driver enhancements are provided for new hardware support. * The configuration of IP over Infiniband (IPoIB) adapters is now supported by the system installer, making installation of Infiniband adapters easier.
Virtualization--------------* KVM scalability enhancements have increased the maximum supported virtual guest size from 128 to 256 virtual CPUs, extending the reach of virtualization deployments to large-scale workloads. * The spice-client package now adds support for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 hosts. These improvements also allow users to access their desktop virtual machines over a WAN connection in addition to the local network. * KVM enhancements include improved guest boot times and improved clock and timer support. The KVM hypervisor has updated real time clock (RTC) support to improve the performance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guests on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 KVM hosts. * Additional KVM improvements increase the manageability and stability of KVM hosts and Red Hat Enterprise Linux guests. Many of these enhancements are in support of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0. * Xen enhancements provide improved guest performance, improved logging for debug, and virtual disk re-sizing while a guest is running.
RHEL5.8 Linux操作系统下载(red hat enterprise linux server5.8)下载地址,详见附件:[size=19px]rhel-server-5.8-i386-dvd.iso链接:[url]http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJVNyhd 密码:q91trhel-server-5.8-x86_64-dvd.iso链接:[url]http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7ypIl0 密码:fyw2
