Oracle expdp与impdp DataPump版本兼容性与各版本的区别

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:640

Oracle expdp/impdp DataPump版本兼容性与各版本的区别
本文介绍oracle 10g expdp/impdp 与oracle 11g expdp/impdp Datapump数据泵版本兼容性与版本之间的区别,包括数据迁移,备份恢复等跨版本的使用。

The following are the most important guidelines regarding Data Pump compatibility:
1. The compatibility level of the Data Pump dumpfile set is determined by the compatibility level of the source database.
2. Use the Export Data Pump client (expdp) that matches the version of the source database (up to one major version lower expdp client can be used, but this is not recommended).
3. Use the Import Data Pump client (impdp) that matches the version of the target database (up to one major version lower impdp client can be used, but this is not recommended).
4. Use the Export Data Pump parameter VERSION in case the target database has a lower compatibility level than the source database.
5. Transferring data over a database link is supported even if the compatibility level of the (remote) source database differs from the (local) connected database (up to one major version difference is supported).
6. Import Data Pump can always read Export Data Pump dumpfile sets created by older versions of the database.
7. Export dumpfiles created with the Export Data Pump client (expdp) cannot be read by the original Import client (imp).
8. Export dumpfiles created with the original Export client (exp) cannot be read by the Import Data Pump client (impdp).
283Overview of Data Pump dumpfile compatibility. Export Use Export Data Pump parameter VERSION=...
From if dumpfile needs to be imported into a
Source Target Database with compatibility level
Database (value of init.ora/spfile parameter COMPATIBLE):
COMPATIBLE 9.2.0.x.0 10.1.0.x.0 10.2.0.x.0 11.1.0.x.0 11.2.0.x.0
---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
10.1.0.x.0 VERSION=9.2 - - - -
---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
10.2.0.x.0 VERSION=9.2 VERSION=10.1 - - -
---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
11.1.0.x.0 VERSION=9.2 VERSION=10.1 VERSION=10.2 - -
---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
11.2.0.x.0 VERSION=9.2 VERSION=10.1 VERSION=10.2 VERSION=11.1 -
---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Overview of Data Pump client/server compatibility.Data Pump client compatibility.

expdp and Connecting to Database version
impdp client 10gR1 10gR2 11gR1 11gR2
version 10.1.0.x 10.2.0.x 11.1.0.x 11.2.0.x
----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
10.1.0.x supported supported supported supported
10.2.0.x no supported supported supported
11.1.0.x no no supported supported
11.2.0.x no no no supportedFor details about generic interoperability between Oracle client and server versions, see also:
Note:207303.1 "Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions"284Overview of Data Pump dumpfile set file versions.Data Pump file version.

Version Written by Can be imported into Target:
Data Pump database with 10gR1 10gR2 11gR1 11gR2
Dumpfile Set compatibility 10.1.0.x 10.2.0.x 11.1.0.x 11.2.0.x
------------ --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0.1 10.1.x supported supported supported supported
1.1 10.2.x no supported supported supported
2.1 11.1.x no no supported supported
3.1 11.2.x no no no supported
详细请参考附件:Export-Import DataPump Parameter VERSION - Compatibility of Data Pump Between Different Oracle Versions.pdf
