
教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:331

The following rules govern the direction inwhich Oracle makes implicit data type conversions(在oracle中,如果不同的数据类型之间关联,如果不显式转换数据,则它会根据以下规则对数据进行隐式转换):
1) During INSERT and UPDATE operations, Oracle converts the value tothe datatype of the affected column(对于INSERT和UPDATE操作,oracle会把插入值或者更新值隐式转换为字段的数据类型)
update t set id='1'; -> 相当于 update t set id=to_number('1');
insert into t(id) values('1') -> insert into t values(to_number('1'));
2) During SELECT FROM operations, Oracle converts the data from thecolumn to the type of the target variable(对于SELECT语句,oracle会把字段的数据类型隐式转换为变量的数据类型).
select * from t where id=1; -> select * from t where to_number(id)=1;
select * from t where id='1'; -> select * from t where id=to_number('1');
3) When comparing a character value with a NUMBER value, Oracleconverts the character data to NUMBER(当比较一个字符型和数值型的值时,oracle会把字符型的值隐式转换为数值型).
select * from t where id='1'; -> select * from t where id=to_number('1');
4) When comparing a character value with a DATE value, Oracle convertsthe character data to DATE(当比较字符型和日期型的数据时,oracle会把字符型转换为日期型).如:假设create_date为字符型,select * fromt where create_date>sysdate; -> select * from t whereto_date(create_date)>sysdate;(注意,此时session的nls_date_format需要与字符串格式相符)假设create_date为date型select * fromt where create_date>'2006-11-11 11:11:11'; -> select * from t wherecreate_date>to_date('2006-11-11 11:11:11'); (注意,此时session的nls_date_format需要与字符串格式相符)

5) When you use a SQL function or operator with an argument of adatatype other than the one it accepts, Oracle converts the argument to theaccepted datatype.
p(p_1 number)
exec p('1'); -> exec p(to_number('1'));
6) When making assignments, Oracle converts the value on the right sideof the equal sign (=) to the datatype of the target of the assignment on theleft side(赋值时,oracle会把等号右边的数据类型转换为左边的数据类型).
var a number
a:='1'; - > a:=to_number('1');
7) During concatenation operations, Oracle converts from noncharacterdatatypes to CHAR or NCHAR(用连接操作符(||)时,oracle会把非字符类型的数据转换为字符类型).
select 1||'2' from dual; -> select to_char(1)||'2' from dual;

8) During arithmetic operations on and comparisons between characterand noncharacter datatypes, Oracle converts from any character datatype to anumber, date, or rowid, as appropriate. In arithmetic operations betweenCHAR/VARCHAR2 and NCHAR/NVARCHAR2, Oracle converts to a number.
9) Comparisons between CHAR/VARCHAR2 and NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 types mayentail different character sets. The default direction of conversion in suchcases is from the database character set to the national character set. 比较CHAR/VARCHAR2和NCHAR/NVARCHAR2时,如果两者字符集不一样,则默认的转换方式是将数据编码从数据库字符集转换为国家字符集。
