CRS-215 Srvctl unable to start ASM, Listener, RDBMS Resources

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:724

CRS-215 Srvctl unable to start ASM, Listener, RDBMS Resources
In this Document

Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Server Enterprise Edition - Version: to SymptomsAfter patching CRS, RDBMS & ASM ORACLE_HOME, unable to start/stop ASM, Database & Listener resources via srvctl:
node68:/u01>srvctl start asm -n node68
PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM4" on node "node68", [PRKS-1009
: Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM4" on node "node68",
[CRS-1028: Dependency analysis failed because of:
CRS-0223: Resource 'ora.node68.ASM4.asm' has placement error.]]

[PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "+ASM4" on node "node68", [CRS-1028: Dependency analysis failed because of:
CRS-0223: Resource 'ora.node68.ASM4.asm' has placement error.]]

node68:/u01>srvctl stop asm -n node68
Attempting to stop `ora.node68.ASM4.asm` on member `node68`
`ora.node68.ASM4.asm` on member `node68` has experienced an unrecoverable failure.
Human intervention required to resume its availability.
CRS-0216: Could not stop resource 'ora.node68.ASM4.asm'.

node68:/u01>crs_stat -t | grep 68

ora....TA4.srv application ONLINE UNKNOWN node68
ora....SM4.asm application ONLINE UNKNOWN node68
ora....68.lsnr application ONLINE UNKNOWN node68
ora....d68.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node68
ora....d68.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node68 application ONLINE ONLINE node68

Starting ASM instance via sqlplus is fine. Starting listener via lsnrctl is fine too.
ChangesCRS, RDBMS & ASM is patched with the latest bundle patch.

CauseWhile the resource is in an UNKNOWN state, one can not start resource via srvctl command. Need to force resource OFFLINE with command:
% $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stop -f

[font=新宋体]$ ./crs_stop -f ora.node68ASM4.asm
Attempting to stop `ora.node68.ASM4.asm` on member `node68`
Stop of `ora.node68.ASM4.asm` on member `node68` succeeded

Please note the preferred method for management of a resource is through srvctl, any issues with the usage of crs_start & crs_stop should be done under the guidance of Oracle Support.

After this, the real error shows up:
node68:/u01>srvctl start asm -n node68
[PRKS-1009 : Failed to start ASM instance "ASM4" on node "node68",
[node68:ora.node68.ASM4.asm:/u01/oracle/product/10.2.0/asm/bin/racgwrap: %ORACLE_HOME%/bin/racgmain:
not found
CRS-0215: Could not start resource 'ora.node68.ASM4.asm'.]]

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/racgwrap does not have ORACLE_HOME variable correctly defined.

The cause is actually that scripts like racgwrap weren't modified when the CRS bundle was applied against the ASM/database home.
In most cases this will be a result of not having run the pre & post scripts as per patch README.
[font=新宋体]Example of Patch# 7715304

% cd [font=新宋体]patch location
[font=新宋体]% custom/server/7715304/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% opatch napply custom/server/ -local -oh -id 7715304
% custom/server/7715304/custom/scripts/ -dbhome

The last step parses all scripts that have been included in the patch, replacing installer variables like %ORACLE_HOME% with the actual path to the ORACLE_HOME. If steps 1 & 3 are omitted any patched scripts may have incorrect values for such variables and subsequently scripts like 'racgwrap' fail causing the status of the associated resource to become 'UNKNOWN'.

SolutionGiven that the root cause to this is actually the result of the patch being applied incorrectly you should re-apply the patch following the instructions but first rolling back the patch.


1. shutdown any instances running out of this RDBMS home, you can do this with sqlplus for each instance. You may also need to place the resource in an OFFLINE state instead of UNKNOWN, can do this with crs_stop -f

2. rollback patch 7715304 (as the oracle user) as per README:

% opatch rollback -id 7715304 -local -oh

3. Re-apply the patch against the RDBMS home as the oracle user:

4. when done check the script. 'racgwrap' if it now contains the correct path for ORACLE_HOME by running the following command

[font=新宋体]grep 'ORACLE_HOME=' $ORACLE_HOME/bin/racgwrap

Above needs to be repeated on each node.
