oracle asm的存储限制(磁盘,磁盘组,数据文件)

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:378

oracle asm的存储限制(磁盘,磁盘组,数据文件)

oracle 11gR2 asm带来了存储上的变革,但存储限制照样是有,以下是oracle
11gR2 asm存储限制条件
Oracle ASM provides near unlimited capacity for future growth, but does have some
storage limits. For example, Oracle ASM has the following limits on the number of
disk groups, disks, and files:

63 disk groups in a storage system (最多只能有63个磁盘组)
10,000 Oracle ASM disks in a storage system (最多10000个asm 磁盘)
1 million files for each disk group (每个diskgroup 最多有1亿个数据文件)
