Oracle 12c ocp题库与解析,oracle 12c ocp考试经验分享

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:801

最近通过oracle 12c ocp考试认证,现分享经验如下:

如果以前是oracle 9i/10g/11g ocp,那么只需要考Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c 1Z0-060,考试时间120分钟。
考试题目分上半部分(51题 64分及格),下半部分(34题 65分及格),两部分都及格了才算PASS,否则245刀大洋就下水了。

关于Oracle 12c Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c 1Z0-060 的题库,呵呵,目前网上就一份(题和答案都是有问题的),如果按网上的那份题库去考试,基本上就是送钱,九死一生。目前我们(ITPUX技术服务中心)自己研究了了份题库,虽然不是100分,但是七八十分还是可以保证,我们团队都通过oracle 12c ocp的升级考试了。

现在针对Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c 1Z0-060考试中的其中5道题进行解析:

Q1 CDB option

Identify three valid options for adding a pluggable database (PDB) to an existing multitenant container database (CDB).
A. Use the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to create a PDB using the files from the SEED.
B. Use the CREATE DATABASE . . . ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to provision a PDB by copying file from the SEED.
C. Use the DBMS_PDB package to clone an existing PDB.
D. Use the DBMS_PDB package to plug an Oracle 12c non-CDB database into an existing CDB.
E. Use the DBMS_PDB package to plug an Oracle 11 g Release 2 ( non-CDB database into an existing CDB.
Answer: A,C,D

[color=deepskyblue]Dbms_pdb generate description file
Explanation: Use the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to create a pluggable database (PDB).
This statement enables you to perform the following tasks:
* (A) Create a PDB by using the seed as a template
Use the create_pdb_from_seed clause to create a PDB by using the seed in the multitenant container database (CDB) as a template. The files associated with the seed are copied to a new location and the copied files are then associated with the new PDB.
* (C) Create a PDB by cloning an existing PDB
Use the create_pdb_clone clause to create a PDB by copying an existing PDB (the source PDB) and then plugging the copy into the CDB. The files associated with the source PDB are copied to a new location and the copied files are associated with the new PDB. This operation is called cloning a PDB.
The source PDB can be plugged in or unplugged. If plugged in, then the source PDB can be in the same CDB or in a remote CDB. If the source PDB is in a remote CDB, then a database link is

used to connect to the remote CDB and copy the files.
* Create a PDB by plugging an unplugged PDB or a non-CDB into a CDB
Use the create_pdb_from_xml clause to plug an unplugged PDB or a non-CDB into a CDB, using an XML metadata file.

Which two are true concerning a multitenant container database with three pluggable database?
A. All administration tasks must be done to a specific pluggable database.
B. The pluggable databases increase patching time.
C. The pluggable databases reduce administration effort.
D. The pluggable databases are patched together.
E. Pluggable databases are only used for database consolidation.
Answer: C,E

[color=deepskyblue]Explanation: The benefits of Oracle Multitenant are brought by implementing a pure deployment choice. The following list calls out the most compelling examples.
* High consolidation density. (E)
The many pluggable databases in a single multitenant container database share its memory and background processes, letting you operate many more pluggable databases on a particular platform than you can single databases that use the old architecture. This is the same benefit that schema-based consolidation brings.
* Rapid provisioning and cloning using SQL.
* New paradigms for rapid patching and upgrades. (D, not B)
The investment of time and effort to patch one multitenant container database results in patching all of its many pluggable databases. To patch a single pluggable database, you simply unplug/plug to a multitenant container database at a different Oracle Database software version.
* (C, not A) Manage many databases as one.
By consolidating existing databases as pluggable databases, administrators can manage many databases as one. For example, tasks like backup and disaster recovery are performed at the multitenant container database level.
* Dynamic between pluggable database resource management. In Oracle Database 12c, Resource Manager is extended with specific functionality to control the competition for resources between the pluggable databases within a multitenant container database.
* Oracle Multitenant is a new option for Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition that helps customers reduce IT costs by simplifying consolidation, provisioning, upgrades, and more. It is supported by a new architecture that allows a multitenant container database to hold many pluggable databases. And it fully complements other options, including Oracle Real Application Clusters and Oracle Active Data Guard. An existing database can be simply adopted, with no
change, as a pluggable database; and no changes are needed in the other tiers of the application.

Q3 CDB - shutdown transactional
You connectedd using SQL Plus to the root container of a multitenant container database (CDB) with SYSDBA privilege.
The CDB has several pluggable databases (PDBs) open in the read/write mode.
There are ongoing transactions in both the CDB and PDBs.
What happens alter issuing the SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL statement?
A. The shutdown proceeds immediately.
The shutdown proceeds as soon as all transactions in the PDBs are either committed or rolled back.
B. The shutdown proceeds as soon as all transactions in the CDB are either committed or rolled back.
C. The shutdown proceeds as soon as all transactions in both the CDB and PDBs are either committed or rolled back.
D. The statement results in an error because there are open PDBs.
Answer: B

[color=deepskyblue]Explanation: * SHUTDOWN [ABORT | IMMEDIATE | NORMAL | TRANSACTIONAL [LOCAL]]
Shuts down a currently running Oracle Database instance, optionally closing and dismounting a database. If the current database is a pluggable database, only the pluggable database is closed.
The consolidated instance continues to run.
Shutdown commands that wait for current calls to complete or users to disconnect such as SHUTDOWN NORMAL and SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL have a time limit that the SHUTDOWN command will wait. If all events blocking the shutdown have not occurred within the time limit, the shutdown command cancels with the following message:

ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
* If logged into a CDB, shutdown closes the CDB instance.
To shutdown a CDB or non CDB, you must be connected to the CDB or non CDB instance that you want to close, and then enter
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
Oracle instance shut down.
To shutdown a PDB, you must log into the PDB to issue the SHUTDOWN command.
Pluggable Database closed.
* Prerequisites for PDB Shutdown
When the current container is a pluggable database (PDB), the SHUTDOWN command can only be used if:
The current user has SYSDBA, SYSOPER, SYSBACKUP, or SYSDG system privilege.
The privilege is either commonly granted or locally granted in the PDB.
The current user exercises the privilege using AS SYSDBA, AS SYSOPER, AS SYSBACKUP, or AS SYSDG at connect time.
To close a PDB, the PDB must be open.

Q4 CDB - creation [1]: Create and configure a PDB
You are planning the creation of a new multitenant container database (CDB) and want to store the ROOT and SEED container data files in separate directories.
You plan to create the database using SQL statements.
Which three techniques can you use to achieve this?
A. Use Oracle Managed Files (OMF).
B. Specify the SEED FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.
C. Specify the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter.
D. Specify the DB_FILE_NAMECONVERT initialization parameter.
E. Specify all files in the CREATE DATABASE statement without using Oracle managed Files (OMF).
Answer: B,C,E

[color=deepskyblue]Explanation: You must specify the names and locations of the seed's files in one of the following ways:
* (A) Oracle Managed Files
* (C) The PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT Initialization Parameter
- plug non-CDB

You are about to plug a multi-terabyte non-CDB into an existing multitenant container database (CDB).
The characteristics of the non-CDB are as follows:
- Version: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( 64-bit
- Character set: AL32UTF8
- National character set: AL16UTF16
- O/S: Oracle Linux 6 64-bit
The characteristics of the CDB are as follows:
- Version: Oracle Database 12c Release 1 64-bit
- Character Set: AL32UTF8
- National character set: AL16UTF16
- O/S: Oracle Linux 6 64-bit
Which technique should you use to minimize down time while plugging this non-CDB into the CDB?
A. Transportable database
B. Transportable tablespace
C. Data Pump full export/import
D. The DBMS_PDB package
Answer: A

[color=deepskyblue]Explanation: * Overview, example:
- Log into ncdb12c as sys
- Get the database in a consistent state by shutting it down cleanly.
- Open the database in read only mode
- Run DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE to create an XML file describing the database.
- Shut down ncdb12c
- Connect to target CDB (CDB2)
- Check whether non-cdb (NCDB12c) can be plugged into CDB(CDB2)
- Plug-in Non-CDB (NCDB12c) as PDB(NCDB12c) into target CDB(CDB2).
- Access the PDB and run the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script.
- Open the new PDB in read/write mode.
* You can easily plug an Oracle Database 12c non-CDB into a CDB. Just create a PDB manifest file for the non-CDB, and then use the manifest file to create a cloned PDB in the CDB.
* Note that to plugin a non-CDB database into a CDB, the non-CDB database needs to be of version 12c as well. So existing 11g databases will need to be upgraded to 12c before they can be part of a 12c CDB.

如果以前没有考过OCP,那么新考OCP 12C顺序如下:
Step 1 - Prior Certification Requirements
Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate

Step 2 - Complete one of these courses.
Candidates must complete one instructor-led course.
Show Courses

Step 3 - Pass Exam
Oracle Database 12c: Advanced Administration 1Z0-063
Register Now
Exam Preparation (optional)
Both of these courses are recommended to best prepare for this exam:
Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop
Oracle Database 12c: Managing Multitenant Architecture

Step 4 - Complete this form.
Complete the course submission form
Complete the above steps to earn the Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional Certification.
