
教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:1175

客户的数据库在进行了10g单机升级到11g RAC后,部分外网连接的应用无法连接到数据库,报错信息如下:
C:\Documents and Settings\tzyy>sqlplus "drb/drbmc@tbsrun"
ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable

C:\Documents and Settings\tzyy>tnsping tbsrun
TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 10-SEP-2
014 09:49:22
Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
(HOST = = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (servi
ce_name = bsrun)))
OK (20 msec)


[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] New trace stream is E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\client_2052_1.trc
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] New trace level is 16
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Attempted load of system pfile source E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Parameter source loaded successfully
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671]
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Attempted load of local pfile source C:\Documents and Settings\tzyy\sqlnet.ora
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Parameter source was not loaded
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671]
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] -> PARAMETER TABLE LOAD RESULTS FOLLOW <- [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Successful parameter table load [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] -> PARAMETER TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS <- [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = 16 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] TRACE_TIMESTAMP_CLIENT = ON [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = CLIENT [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] trace_directory_client = E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION ENDS --- [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS --- [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Log stream will be "C:\Documents and Settings\tzyy\sqlnet.log" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] Log stream validation not requested [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS --- ###########################以上为本次跟踪的信息读取,包括跟踪级别,基本的跟踪参数读取位置########################### #####################以下为开始跟踪过程################################### [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nlstdipi: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nlstdipi: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nigini: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 1 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nrigbi: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nrigbni: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nrigbni: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nrigbi: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nigini: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring. [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] niqname: Inserting CID. [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] niotns: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] niotns: niotns: setting up interrupt handler... [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] niotns: Not trying to enable dead connection detection. #############################对连接串进行解析并确认################################### [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] niotns: Calling address: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=CZDL_CGZX104)(USER=tzyy)))) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscall: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 212 bytes at 0xe42d10 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscall: connecting... [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nladini: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nladini: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nladget: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nladget: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsc2addr: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsc2addr: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=CZDL_CGZX104)(USER=tzyy)))) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttbnd2addr: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttbnd2addr: using host IP address: [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttbnd2addr: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsc2addr: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 736 bytes at 0xeb5e08 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopenmplx: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 1644 bytes at 0xeb60f0 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiorini: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbal: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbgetfl: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbgetfl: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0xd9f570 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbal: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiorini: exit (0) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscpxget: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscpxget: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopenalloc_nsntx: nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=eb5e08, nsntx=eb60f0 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopenmplx: normal exit ###################开始创建连接,发起连接###################### [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: opening transport... [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcon: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcon: toc = 1 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcnp: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcnp: creating a socket. [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcnp: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcni: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcni: trying to connect to socket 1864. [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetNameInfo: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetNameInfo: Using numeric form of host's address [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetNameInfo: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcni: connected on ipaddr [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcni: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcon: NT layer TCP/IP connection has been established. [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcon: set TCP_NODELAY on 1864 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttcon: exit ########################以下发送274 bytes的包#################### [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: transport is open [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsoptions: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0x0, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0x0, gbl[1]=0x0, cha=0x0 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x0 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsoptions: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: call [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnadct: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnadct: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnasvnainfo: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnasvnainfo: normal exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nainit: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nagblini: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gin: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gparams: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_required" from parameter file [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gbp: Parameter not found [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gparams: Using default value "FALSE" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gslf: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "sqlnet.authentication_services" parameter [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: Found 1 items [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_services" from parameter file [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gnsp: Found value "NTS" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nauss_set_state: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nauss_set_state: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gslf: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gparams: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gin: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nagblini: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] na_saveprot: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] na_saveprot: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacomin: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nas_init: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nas_init: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_ini: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nauss_set_state: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nauss_set_state: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: using authentication adapter table "nautab" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: nautab contains the following services: [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: KERBEROS5 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: NTS [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: RADIUS [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gettab: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_sini: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_sini: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_ini: connection type: "standard" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_ini: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeeinit: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.FIPS_140" from parameter file [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gbp: Parameter not found [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_CLIENT" from parameter file [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_CLIENT" parameter [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: Parameter not found [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: These are the encryption algorithms that the client will accept: [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 0: no algorithm; encryption inactive [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 1: 'AES256' (ID 17) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 2: 'RC4_256' (ID 6) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 3: 'AES192' (ID 16) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 4: '3DES168' (ID 12) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 5: 'AES128' (ID 15) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 6: 'RC4_128' (ID 10) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 7: '3DES112' (ID 11) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 8: 'RC4_56' (ID 8) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 9: 'DES' (ID 2) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 10: 'RC4_40' (ID 1) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 11: 'DES40' (ID 3) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeeinit: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naecinit: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_CLIENT" from parameter file [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_CLIENT" parameter [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: Parameter not found [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nam_gic: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms" [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: These are the checksumming algorithms that the client will accept: [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 0: no algorithm; checksumming inactive [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 1: 'SHA1' (ID 3) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: Choice 2: 'MD5' (ID 1) [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeshow: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naecinit: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nainit: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nagetctxinfo: entry [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nagetctxinfo: exit [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: NS Connection version: 313 [10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: inf->nsinfflg[0]: 0x61 inf->nsinfflg[1]: 0x61
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted

[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
"and" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted

[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnainit: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: global context check-in (to slot 0) complete
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x0, tdu=32767, sdu=2048
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=65, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x2
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctx: state=7, flg=0x4001, mvd=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbgetfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0xeb5d68
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbgetfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0xe47e10
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=67, *bl=216, *what=8, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctx: state=14, flg=0x4005, mvd=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: doing connect handshake...
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: sending NSPTCN packet
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: plen=274, type=1
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttwr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttwr: socket 1864 had bytes written=274
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttwr: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: packet dump
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 01 12 00 00 01 00 00 00 |........|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 01 39 01 2C 00 00 08 00 |.9.,....|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 7F FF C6 0E 00 00 01 00 |........|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 00 D8 00 3A 00 00 02 00 |...:....|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 61 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 |aa......|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 00 00 28 44 45 53 43 52 |..(DESCR|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 49 50 54 49 4F 4E 3D 28 |IPTION=(|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 41 44 44 52 45 53 53 3D |ADDRESS=|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 28 50 52 4F 54 4F 43 4F |(PROTOCO|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 4C 3D 54 43 50 29 28 48 |L=TCP)(H|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 4F 53 54 3D 31 37 32 2E |OST=172.|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 31 36 2E 31 2E 32 34 36 |16.1.246|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 29 28 50 4F 52 54 3D 31 |)(PORT=1|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 35 32 31 29 29 28 43 4F |521))(CO|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 4E 4E 45 43 54 5F 44 41 |NNECT_DA|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 54 41 3D 28 53 45 52 56 |TA=(SERV|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 45 52 3D 44 45 44 49 43 |ER=DEDIC|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 41 54 45 44 29 28 73 65 |ATED)(se|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 72 76 69 63 65 5F 6E 61 |rvice_na|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 6D 65 3D 62 73 72 75 6E |me=bsrun|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 29 28 43 49 44 3D 28 50 |)(CID=(P|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 3D 45 |ROGRAM=E|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 3A 5C 6F 72 61 63 6C 65 |:\oracle|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 5C 70 72 6F 64 75 63 74 |\product|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 5C 31 30 2E 32 2E 30 5C |\10.2.0\|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 63 6C 69 65 6E 74 5F 31 |client_1|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 5C 62 69 6E 5C 73 71 6C |\bin\sql|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 70 6C 75 73 2E 65 78 65 |plus.exe|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 29 28 48 4F 53 54 3D 43 |)(HOST=C|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 5A 44 4C 5F 43 47 5A 58 |ZDL_CGZX|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 31 30 34 29 28 55 53 45 |104)(USE|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 52 3D 74 7A 79 79 29 29 |R=tzyy))|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 29 29 |)) |
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: 274 bytes to transport
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nspsend: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: exit (0)
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=68, *bl=512, *what=9, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctx: state=2, flg=0x4005, mvd=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: recving a packet
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: reading from transport...
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttrd: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttrd: socket 1864 had bytes read=313
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttrd: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 313 bytes from transport
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: tlen=313, plen=10, type=5
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 303 bytes to leftover
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: packet dump
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 00 0A 00 00 05 02 00 00 |........|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 01 25 |.% |
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: got NSPTRD packet
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: recving connect data
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=68, *bl=293, *what=1, uflgs=0x4001, cflgs=0x0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctx: state=2, flg=0x804005, mvd=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsrdr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsrdr: recving a packet
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 303 bytes from leftover
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: tlen=303, plen=303, type=6
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: packet dump
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 01 2F 00 00 06 00 00 00 |./......|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 00 40 28 41 44 44 52 45 |.@(ADDRE|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 53 53 3D 28 50 52 4F 54 |SS=(PROT|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 4F 43 4F 4C 3D 54 43 50 |OCOL=TCP|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 29 28 48 4F 53 54 3D 31 |)(HOST=1|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 37 32 2E 31 36 2E 31 2E |72.16.1.|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 32 34 38 29 28 50 4F 52 |248)(POR|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 54 3D 31 35 32 31 29 29 |T=1521))|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 00 28 44 45 53 43 52 49 |.(DESCRI|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 50 54 49 4F 4E 3D 28 41 |PTION=(A|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 44 44 52 45 53 53 3D 28 |DDRESS=(|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 50 52 4F 54 4F 43 4F 4C |PROTOCOL|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 3D 54 43 50 29 28 48 4F |=TCP)(HO|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 53 54 3D 31 37 32 2E 31 |ST=172.1|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 36 2E 31 2E 32 34 36 29 |6.1.246)|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 28 50 4F 52 54 3D 31 35 |(PORT=15|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 32 31 29 29 28 43 4F 4E |21))(CON|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 4E 45 43 54 5F 44 41 54 |NECT_DAT|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 41 3D 28 53 45 52 56 45 |A=(SERVE|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 52 3D 44 45 44 49 43 41 |R=DEDICA|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 54 45 44 29 28 73 65 72 |TED)(ser|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 76 69 63 65 5F 6E 61 6D |vice_nam|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 65 3D 62 73 72 75 6E 29 |e=bsrun)|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 28 43 49 44 3D 28 50 52 |(CID=(PR|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 4F 47 52 41 4D 3D 45 3A |OGRAM=E:|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 5C 6F 72 61 63 6C 65 5C |\oracle\|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 70 72 6F 64 75 63 74 5C |product\|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 31 30 2E 32 2E 30 5C 63 |10.2.0\c|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 6C 69 65 6E 74 5F 31 5C |lient_1\|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 62 69 6E 5C 73 71 6C 70 |bin\sqlp|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 6C 75 73 2E 65 78 65 29 |lus.exe)|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 28 48 4F 53 54 3D 43 5A |(HOST=CZ|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 44 4C 5F 43 47 5A 58 31 |DL_CGZX1|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 30 34 29 28 55 53 45 52 |04)(USER|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 3D 74 7A 79 79 29 29 28 |=tzyy))(|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 49 4E 53 54 41 4E 43 45 |INSTANCE|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 5F 4E 41 4D 45 3D 62 73 |_NAME=bs|
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: 72 75 6E 32 29 29 29 |run2))) |
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsprecv: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsrdr: got NSPTDA packet
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsrdr: NSPTDA flags: 0x40
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsrdr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: *what=1, *bl=293
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: 293 bytes from NS buffer
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: got 293 bytes connect data
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscon: exit (0)
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscall: redirected
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsclose: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nstimarmed: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nstimarmed: no timer allocated
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nstimarmed: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttctl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttctl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=98, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x440, cflgs=0x2
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctx: state=3, flg=0x804001, mvd=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbaddfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbaddfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbaddfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbaddfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsdo: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiocancel: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiofrrg: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbaddfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbaddfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsbfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiofrrg: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiocancel: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsclose: closing transport
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttdisc: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttdisc: Closed socket 1864
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttdisc: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsclose: global context check-out (from slot 0) complete
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnadisc: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nadisc: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacomtm: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacompd: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacompd: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacompd: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacompd: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nacomtm: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nas_dis: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nas_dis: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_dis: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_dis: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeetrm: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naeetrm: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naectrm: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] naectrm: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nagbltrm: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gtm: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nau_gtm: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nagbltrm: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nadisc: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsnadisc: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopenfree_nsntx: nlhthdel from mplx_ht_nsgbu, ctx=eb5e08 nsntx=eb60f0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiocancel: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiofrrg: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiofrrg: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsiocancel: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmfr: 1644 bytes at 0xeb60f0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmfr: 736 bytes at 0xeb5e08
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsclose: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nscall: connecting...
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsc2addr: entry
############以下是我们需要重点关注的一点, 该IP为二节点的VIP#####################
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsc2addr: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttbnd2addr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttbnd2addr: using host IP address:
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nttbnd2addr: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsc2addr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopen: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 736 bytes at 0xeb5e08
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsopenmplx: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:671] nsmal: 1644 bytes at 0xeb60f0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsmal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsiorini: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsbal: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsbgetfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsbal: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsiorini: exit (0)
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nscpxget: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nscpxget: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsopenalloc_nsntx: nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=eb5e08, nsntx=eb60f0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsopenmplx: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nsopen: opening transport...
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcon: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcon: toc = 1
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcnp: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcnp: creating a socket.
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcnp: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcni: entry
################可以看到从248IP建立的socket 1864开始建立连接出现了报错################################
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:19:687] nttcni: trying to connect to socket 1864.
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:625] ntt2err: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:625] ntt2err: soc 1864 error - operation=1, ntresnt[0]=513, ntresnt[1]=51, ntresnt[2]=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:625] ntt2err: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nttcni: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nttcon: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nserror: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nserror: nsres: id=0, op=65, ns=12543, ns2=12560; nt[0]=513, nt[1]=51, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsopen: unable to open transport
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiocancel: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiofrrg: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbaddfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbaddfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiofrrg: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiocancel: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsopenfree_nsntx: nlhthdel from mplx_ht_nsgbu, ctx=eb5e08 nsntx=eb60f0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiocancel: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiofrrg: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiofrrg: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsiocancel: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: 1644 bytes at 0xeb60f0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: 736 bytes at 0xeb5e08
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsopen: error exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: 216 bytes at 0xe48690
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: 212 bytes at 0xe42d10
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsmfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nladtrm: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nladtrm: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nscall: error exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nioqper: error from nscall
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nioqper: ns main err code: 12543
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nioqper: ns (2) err code: 12560
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nioqper: nt main err code: 513
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nioqper: nt (2) err code: 51
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nioqper: nt OS err code: 0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niomapnserror: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niqme: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niqme: reporting NS-12543 error as ORA-12543
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niqme: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niomapnserror: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niotns: Couldn't connect, returning 12543
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] niotns: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbfrfl: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0xe47e10, data at 0xe47e70.
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0xd9f570, data at 0xeb6768.
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: nsbfs at 0xeb5d68, data at 0xe475f0.
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbrfr: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nsbfrfl: normal exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nrigbd: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nrigbd: exit
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 0
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nlse_term_audit: entry
[10-SEP-2014 09:23:40:734] nlse_term_audit: exit

在11g RAC中当用户链接scan ip时,scan ip接收到用户的链接请求,此时会根据rac各节点的资源情况来决定将连接分配给哪个vip的监听,这里vip监控就是各个节点的本地监听了。我们发现由于
从10g升级到了11g 新增加了本地IP及新的VIP信息,而在网络层面并没有对这几个IP开放。
