11G OCM考试大纲

教程发布:风哥 教程分类:ITPUX技术网 更新日期:2022-02-12 浏览学习:1193

11G OCM考试大纲

1、server configuretion

create database

determine and set sizing parameters for database structures

create and manage temporary,permanent,and undo tablespaces

stripe data file across multiple physical devices and locations

configure the database environment to support optimal data access performance

create and manage bigfile tablespaces

create and manager tablespaces that users NFS mounted file system file

create and configure a listener

configure the database instance to support shared server connections

set up network tracing

manage oracle network processes

configure the network environment to allow configuretion to multiple database

use configuretionless connections

use OPatch to install a path

use grid infrastructure to manage oracle database and other resoures

users enterprise manage configuration assistant(EMCA) utility

2、enterprise manager grid control

install and path enterprise manager grid control software

configure the enterprise manager repository

create enterprise manager grid control users

use enterprise manager to modify a database configuration

configure enterprise manager to modify database availability

create and manage jobs

create and monitor alerts

implement grid control and database control

chosoe the appropriate tablespaces type for the intended use

create scheduler jobs

create schedules

assign jobs to windows

create programs

install the enterprise manager grid control infrastructure

deploy enterprise manager grid control agents

configure grid control for business requirements

3、managing database availability

mantain recovery catalogs

configure recovery manager

use recovery manager to perform database backups

use recovery manager to perform complete data restore and recovery operations

configure rman

create different types of rman backups to cater for different performance and retention requirements

set flashback database parameters

configure aa fast recovery area

perform various recovery operations using flashback technology

4、data management

manage materialized views to improve rewrite and refresh performance

configure and manage discributed materialized views

create and manage encypted tablespaces

manage transport of tablespaces across platforms

configure a schema to support a star transformation query

administer external tablespaces

implement data pump export and import jobs for data transfer

implement data pump to and from remote database

configure and use parallel execution for query

use sql*loader

administer ,manage and tune parallel execution

5、data warehouse management

administer partitioned tables and indexes using appropriate methods and keys

perform partition maintenance operations

maintain indexes on a partitioned table

implement securefile LOB

create and manage LOB segements

implement fine-grained access control

create and manage contextes

administer flashback data archive and schema evolution

6、performance management

administer resoures manager

use result cache

use mutil column statistics

gather statistics on a specific table without invalidating cursors

use partition indexes

administer and tune schema object to support various access methods

interpret execution plan

use sql tuning tools and features

use sql tuning advisor

use sql access advisor

use sql performance analyzer

configure baseling templates

use sql plan management feature

implement instance caging

7、grid infrastructure and ASM

install oracle grid infrastructure

create asm disk group

create and manage as asm instance

implement acfs file system

creating acfs file system

start,stop,configure and administer oracle grid infrastructure

8、real application cluster

install oracle database 11GR2 software

configure ASM for the shared disks and create a clusterd database

configure archiving

configure services using both manual and policy managed methods

9、data guard

create physical standby database with real-time apply

configure the data guard environment to reduce overheads of fast incremental backups on the primary database

configure the observer

switchover and switch back

configure connect time failover

convert the standby to a snapshot standby

configure archivelog deletion policy for the dataguard configuration

本文标题:11G OCM考试大纲